Through the Health Cooperative Scheme, the hospital seeks to address challenges associated with healthcare bills such as borrowing, selling belongings, and resorting to staying at home to die.
The Community Health Cooperative operates on a not-for-profit basis, applying the principles of risk-sharing and members’ participation in management.
1. Outpatient services including:
– Dental care (Extractions and cavity fillings)
– Medical and Surgical consultations
– Minor surgeries (STS, Circumcision, Excision, I&D, Removal of Ingrowing Nails.)
– Emergency OPD care
– Routine antenatal care (ANC) with Obstetric ultrasound Scan.
1. Laboratory Tests (Malaria, TB, Typhoid, Urinalysis, CBC, stool analysis, H. Pylori)
2. Free services: Vaccination, HIV Testing services and treatment, health education.
3. Normal Deliveries.
4. Caesarian Section Deliveries.
5. Inpatient care.
6. Radiology:
We are on mission to provide the best person – centered health care through integrated clinical practice, education and research.
Working Hours;
Mon-Sun: 24 Hours